MC-1310 - Dispensed boats and rafts get stuck inside of dispensers used to place them.The following recipe types, however, do not allow for an empty ingredient:."item": "minecraft:air" can now be used in datapack recipes to denote an ingredient that will match an empty slot.Game will now display message box on startup if user enabled text-to-speech functionality, but it is not available.

MC-262714 - The "" string displayed within the key binds menu is improperly capitalized.MC-262712 - Alternative recipes in recipe book do not appear on right-click.MC-262709 - Dispensers do not dispense boats at the correct height.MC-262684 - Game icon has low resolution.MC-262593 - The word "occurred" is misspelled as "occured" within two realms strings.MC-262505 - Iron golems can produce particles for blocks they're not colliding with.MC-262324 - Teleporting a mob while riding it doesn't work well.MC-261202 - Teleporting a display entity jitters the player riding on the stack.MC-260903 - Less recent attacker can be credited for kill.MC-260653 - Markers, interaction, and display entities can prevent pressure plates from deactivating.MC-259912 - Saddled horses can infinitely retain Levitation effect.MC-181280 - Incorrect textures can sometimes be displayed.MC-152258 - Riding an entity with slow falling will not stop fall damage.